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4 years, 218 days ago
Wieder da zu sein, ohne wirklich verschwunden zu sein, ist, als ob das Bekenntnis zu irgendeinem Schwund nicht stattfindet. Leider kann ich nicht in einer Zeit nicht sein, mir dies......
5 years, 50 days ago
I was gone for a long time. I hid myself a long time before my days of life. I have lost something. I have tried to rediscover what disguised an importance as a precious commodity.......

Current exhibition

Atelier Insights 2020
Again Witten artists open the doors of their studios over a weekend and provide insights into the center of their creative work..
Czastka Art Exhibition in Witten
Art gallery in Witten shows changing art by international artists. Auf dem Schnee 29 in 58454 Witten you can visit the art exhibition and also buy art at fixed and agreed times.

Latest painting

To describe 4

To describe 3

To describe 2

To describe 1

Latest drawing




Whale under boat

Latest photography

Summer 2019


